Dec 9, 2024


Why You Should Choose a Cyber Essentials Plus Certified Supplier

Why You Should Choose a Cyber Essentials Plus Certified Supplier

By Jonathan Williams, Sales Director

Cyber essentials plus
Cyber essentials plus
Cyber essentials plus

The landscape of data security is continually shifting, and cyberattacks today are more sophisticated than ever before. Sensitive data, such as reports of anti-social behaviour, noise disturbances or urgent housing repair requests, must be handled with the utmost care. A breach not only risks privacy but also jeopardises the trust that tenants place in housing organisations. Choosing a supplier that meets high standards of data security equates to stringent measures being in place to defend against common cyber threats, providing reassurance that your tenants’ information is safeguarded by best practices. This is where the importance of working with a Cyber Essentials Plus certified supplier shines through.

To have the peace of mind of knowing you are working with an organisation that is Cyber Essentials Plus certified, look out for the badge on their website and enter the company’s name at iasme to check the details.

Selecting a software provider with Cyber Essentials Plus certification means that business has taken rigorous government-backed steps to bolster its cybersecurity defences, satisfying both you and your tenants that the software partner is committed to maintaining high levels of cybersecurity. Unlike the standard Cyber Essentials certification, the ‘Plus’ level involves an independent assessment, ensuring that the precautions are not just theoretical but are actively working in a real-world environment. It indicates the ability to prevent unauthorised access, mitigate risks and respond effectively to potential breaches. Partnering with a software provider that meets these standards demonstrates a proactive approach to data protection and reflects a commitment to upholding the highest standards in handling tenant details.

Ultimately, working with a Cyber Essentials Plus certified supplier when investing in software solutions isn't just a safeguard; it’s a promise to your tenants that their data is treated with the security and respect it deserves. It’s about ensuring that information related to their living environment and personal experiences remains private and protected. By making a conscientious decision to partner with suppliers who meet these stringent security standards, housing organisations can show that they prioritise the confidentiality and safety of those they serve. In a digital world, this assurance is more than valuable – it’s essential.

If you’d like to learn more about RHE Global’s cyber security commitment, accessibility or GDPR compliance, please get in touch.

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