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RHE Global

Are you getting more noise reports during the Euro 2024 Championship?

By Jim Nixon, Director of Community Safety

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RHE Global

28 Jun 2024

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TNA logo with football
TNA logo with football

The European Football Championship, hosted this year by Germany, undoubtedly has a fair number of supporters avidly watching in the UK.

While the tournament fosters a shared passion for football, it can also lead to excessive noise and anti-social behaviour, with late-night parties and rowdy gatherings disrupting residential peace. Such disturbances can impact individuals' wellbeing, resulting in sleep disturbances and increased stress. Although the championship lasts only a few weeks, the effects of these nightly disruptions can linger. Balancing the joy of the games with respect for community members' need for peace and quiet is essential, and appropriate action should be taken when behaviour becomes unreasonable.

This is where The Noise App comes into play. Designed to help residents report excessive noise and anti-social behaviour, the app is a powerful tool for maintaining peace in the community. The Noise App can be easily downloaded to a smartphone or tablet, allowing residents to report disturbances directly to their housing association or local authority.

The app’s Premium version offers additional features, such as the ability to record videos and take photographs. These features can be incredibly useful in assisting investigations into noise complaints, providing clear evidence of the issues at hand.

  1. Download: The app is available for download on both iOS and Android devices.

  2. Report: Once installed, residents can use the app to report instances of excessive noise or anti-social behaviour. The app’s interface is user-friendly, making it easy to document and send reports.

  3. Premium Features: For more detailed reports, the Premium version allows users to include videos and photos, offering a more comprehensive view of the disturbance.

  4. Submit: Reports are sent directly to the relevant authorities, ensuring that complaints are managed swiftly and efficiently.

For housing associations and local authorities looking for an effective way to manage noise complaints, The Noise App offers a cost-effective and efficient solution. By streamlining the reporting process, the app helps organisations address issues quickly and maintain community harmony.

The European Football Championships are a time of celebration and unity, but it’s important to ensure that festivities do not infringe upon the peace and comfort of others. By using The Noise App, residents can take proactive steps to address excessive noise and anti-social behaviour, ensuring everyone can enjoy the tournament respectfully. Let us celebrate the beautiful game while keeping our communities harmonious and respectful.

For more information and to arrange a free demonstration and trial, contact us.

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